Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct was created with our community in mind. We wanted not to bring together healers and practitioners, but those who truly care about healing our community at the forefront. Because of this, the advisory committee developed a comprehensive code of conduct that they believe our healers and practitioners should abide by.

Respect and Dignity

Respect for All Beliefs: Recognize and respect the diverse beliefs, values, and cultural backgrounds of clients.

Non-Judgment: Provide services without judgment or discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.


Privacy: Maintain strict confidentiality regarding all client information and sessions.

Consent for Sharing: Obtain explicit consent from clients before sharing any personal information with others, unless required by law.

Competence and Professionalism

Scope of Practice: Provide services only within the boundaries of your training and expertise, and refer clients to other professionals when necessary.

Integrity and Honesty

Transparency: Be honest and clear about your qualifications, experience, and the nature of your services.

Informed Consent

Clear Communication: Ensure that clients understand the nature of the healing process, potential outcomes, and any risks involved.

Voluntary Participation: Ensure that clients voluntarily consent to services without any form of coercion.

Client Autonomy

Empowerment: Support clients in making their own informed decisions regarding their healing journey.


Professional Boundaries: Maintain clear professional boundaries to avoid dual relationships or conflicts of interest. 

A dual relationship occurs when a professional engages in more than one type of relationship with a client, in addition to the traditional professional-client relationship. 

Professional boundaries should begin the moment the potential customer becomes a paying client, and boundaries should be kept until the client relationship ends.

Avoid Exploitation: Never exploit the client for personal, financial, or professional gain.

Cleansing Protocol: Healers/Practitioners have a clear protocol to ground and cleanse themselves and their clients before and after a session.

Compassion and Empathy

Empathetic Listening: Practice active and empathetic listening to truly understand clients’ needs and concerns.

Supportive Environment: Create a safe and supportive environment for healing.

Ethical Marketing

Truthful Representation: Ensure that all marketing materials and representations of services are truthful and not misleading.

Respectful Promotion: Avoid making unrealistic claims or guarantees about the outcomes of healing sessions.


Self-Reflection: Regularly engage in self-reflection and supervision to ensure ethical practice.

Laws and Regulations: Healers/practitioners should follow all laws and regulations according to their physical place of residence and/or state.

Ability to mediate or amend/reparation: Healers/practitioners will do their best to mediate or amend a situation should it arise between them and their client.