What is the Asian American Holistic Healing Network? How did this come about?

The Asian American Liberation Network believes in expansively integrating healing modalities beyond traditional western models of mental health and well-being.

We understand that finding culturally sensitive and effective holistic health services can be challenging. That’s why our directory is designed to be user-friendly, inclusive, and easily accessible. Whether you are looking for acupuncture, herbal treatments, spiritual health support, or yoga and mindfulness practices, you can find reliable and culturally attuned services through our platform.

AALN believes that healing includes the mind, emotion, body, behavior, spirit, energy, and community; and our community deserves to be healed in ways that empower them.

We center our community’s diverse cultural healing practices, and ancestral wisdom, and we invite Asian American healers who practice different healing modalities to apply.
If you are an Asian American healer or practitioner, we encourage you to apply to be a part of our directory!

What was the role of the committee and who is a part of the Asian American Holistic Healing Network Committee?

The incredible members of the Advisory Committee for the Asian American Holistic Healing Network is a dedicated team of holistic healers and practitioners who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the successful creation of a comprehensive and accessible directory for all Asian Americans seeking holistic healing services.

Our Advisory Committee work across a diverse field of healing practices/modalities including herbalism, ancestral healing, shadow work, shamanic practices, and energetic healing. Each member brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to improving the well-being of our community. You can learn more about them here. 

What types of holistic healing practices are included in the directory?

We are developing an extensive list of different healing modalities and practices, and this list grows daily. The practitioners within our directory include but are not limited to shamans, chiropractors, herbalists, intuitives, and energetic healers.

Does the directory list the qualifications and credentials of the practitioners?

Yes, we ask our healers/practitioners to list their credentials/titles.

If I am a therapist, can I join this network?

If you are a therapist only practicing traditional talk therapy, or traditional western therapy, this may not be the place for you. However, If you are a therapist who incorporates holistic healing practices, we encourage you to apply!

How are the practitioners or services vetted for quality and authenticity?

AALN recognizes that vetting and quality is important in finding healers/practitioners. Because of this, AALN brought together a diverse advisory board with expertise and experience, who are also healers and practitioners themselves, to develop a comprehensive vetting process to best ensure that healers/practitioners who apply to be part of our directory are qualified through skills, experience, licenses, certificates, and etc.

Does the directory include user reviews for practitioners and services?

Yes, we will have a comment section on the profiles to let users know how other folks’ experiences have been like with certain practitioners

Can users filter search results based on specific criteria (e.g., location, type of practice, practitioner’s experience)?

Yes, we will have a built in filter to help with search results

Is there an option to book appointments directly through the directory?

Listed on the practitioner or healer’s profile will be contact information that you can use to directly reach out to them

Does the directory provide educational resources or articles about holistic healing practices?

Currently we do not have this but hope to have it in the future!

Is there a cost associated with using the directory for users or healers/practitioners?

No, our network and directory is completely free. When we created this website, we strived to make it accessible for everyone.

Are there opportunities for practitioners to network or collaborate through the directory?

Yes, we are looking to build this in the future so that healers/practitioners also have a network to build with one another

What are the benefits of Joining the Network as a healer or practitioner?

Increased online visibility and ability to share your healing/wellness practices with diverse Asian American communities who are looking to work with someone like you!

Network with other like-minded individuals that you can refer your clients to or build relationships with!

Client convenience – easy access to your contact information for clients to reach you!

How do I report a healer/practitioner that I feel may not be following the Code of Conduct or is behaving inappropriately?

You can report them here: [email protected]. Please be sure to also include their full name, link their profile, and explain your reasoning. A staff from AALN will respond to you promptly.